Smart spiders on More FM

Portia africana male. This spider is found in Kenya, but there are lots of interesting spiders wherever we are in the world.

I used to think that only mammals and birds were of any interest. They are animals that have big brains, and this made me assume that only they were capable of tasks that required cognition. By contrast, the spiders we work with have brains that would comfortably fit on pinheads. There is, however, so much we can learn and discover when we take the time to watch and admire these little creatures. It was only once I started learning about spiders when I realized how much they could do with their tiny brains. It opened my eyes and made me wonder what other marvels might be found in the tiny worlds around us.

Not surprisingly, when my friends at More FM in New Zealand wanted to ask me some questions about spider learning and intelligence, I jumped at the chance! I love sharing my joy with others and helping other people to understand how amazing spiders really are.

You can listen to the clip here. It runs for about 3 minutes.

(Dr Fiona Cross speaking with Sarah and Flynny on the More FM Drive Show, 25 September 2024)